México = Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon
Estados Unidos = The Guy Game
España = Carmaggedon
Perú = Tell Me Why
Corea del Norte = Todos
Afganistán = PUBG
Honduras = Quake, Doom, Duke Nukem…
Jordania = Roblox
China = Battlefield 4, Command and Conquer, Free Fire…
Reino Unido = Manhunt 2, The Punisher
Cuba = Call of Duty Black Ops
Corea del Sur = Mortal Kombat, Homefront
Filipinas = Dota
Argentina = Carmageddon
Uzbekistán = Call of Duty, Doom, Silent Hill…
Ucrania = Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon
Nueva Zelanda = Manhunt, Reservoir Dogs, Three Sisters Story…
Venezuela = Videojuegos violentos
Nepal = PUBG
Tailandia = Trópico 5
Irán = Pokémon Go, Battlefield 3
Emiratos Árabes Unidos = God of War, Call of Duty, GTA, The Last of Us 2
Singapur = Half Life
Indonesia = Far Cry 3
Brasil = Bully
Omán = Roblox
Pakistán = Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Arabia Saudí = Assasin’s Creed, God of War, GTA…
Rusia = Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Alemania = Mortal Kombat, Manhunt
Malasia = Pokémon G, GTA
Guatemala = Roblox
India = PUBG
Dinamarca = EA Sports MMA
Irak = Fornite